The homecare market in Germany: What factors influence patient numbers and spending?
The most important trend in the homecare market is the outpatientization of healthcare, a development driven by factors that will have a significant impact on patient numbers and health insurance spending in the coming years. These include demographic change, medical advances in the care areas of the homecare market, and cost pressure from health insurers, who are thus seeking to close the financing gap left by the healthcare fund.
Homecare patient numbers grow again after Corona pandemic
One factor that had a short-term impact, but was all the more influential, was the Corona pandemic, which caused a slowdown and short-term negative trend in patient numbers. Die Gründe hierfür liegen in gesunkenen Arzt- und Klinikbesuchen, was allerdings einen Rebound-Effekt aufgrund nicht behandelter Krankheiten und verschobenen OPs auslöst, der das Wachstum der Patientenzahlen wieder auf ein Prä-Corona-Niveau anhebt. Homecare is thus continuing to establish itself as an important pillar in the German healthcare system.
The digitization of healthcare will permanently change the market
Technological progress is also influencing the homecare market, but less in terms of patient numbers and expenditure by health insurers than in the way a care process will look in the future. The electronic patient record (ePA) and the electronic prescription (e-prescription) can largely automate processes at the service provider and thus save costs. On the other hand, ePA and e-prescription make the patient the decision-maker for his or her care. Patient acquisition is thus changing fundamentally for healthcare providers, and this requires a rethink in terms of marketing and sales. How do I attract patients in the future against the backdrop of digitization and the challenges and change processes it brings – including e-file, digital discharge management platforms, changing patient mindset, marketing…? For many established market players in particular, the answer to these relevant issues requires an examination of their own strategy. Is the continuation of the existing strategy the right way or does a new, more future-oriented strategy need to be developed that integrates new technologies and business processes?
Tense cost situation due to the Ukraine crisis
Due to the ongoing war between Ukraine and Russia, energy and fuel prices continue to be at a very high level, and Corona also continues to leave its mark, which may ultimately lead to modification in care practices.
Exploding fuel prices – especially in the logistics area of aid provision, but also for journeys for home visits – coupled with stagnating flat rates for aid provision are putting market participants in a tight spot. Wie besteht man als Homecare-Anbieter in diesem schwierigen Marktumfeld? And how do you gear up for the future so that you can continue to run a profitable business in the future?
Summary Seven understands the challenges facing homecare market participants and invites care providers and manufacturers to join the conversation about solutions that will ensure they are FOR THE FUTURE.